Reading Festival
Why not watch the short videos of our previous festivals...
Confirmed for 2024...
Tales on Moon Lane Children's Book Shop
Author and owner of Tales on Moon Lane, Tamara Macfarlane, will be joining us to sell books and lead storytelling sessions.
Moon Lane works to address inequity in children’s books: inequity of access, representation and roles in the publishing industry, so that every child has access to books that enable them to feel seen, reflected, respected and valued.
Tales on Moon Lane | (@talesonmoonlane) • Instagram
Harbour Books
Harbour Books, based in Harbour Street, Whitstable, will be ‘setting up shop’ at our Reading Festival! Have a browse of the beautiful range of children’s books, some of which will be linked to our stall’s book themes. Harbour Books will be accepting cash or credit/debit card.
Usborne Books
Visit Clare (a Joy Lane parent!) from Usborne to browse the wonderful selection of children’s books.
You can also visit the website to order online, or contact Clare directly for recommendations etc.
Whitstable Library
Do you and your child have a library card? If not, you can sign up for one at the Reading Festival!
We will collect in your completed forms and hand them straight to the library so they can prepare your card ready for collection. The library is free to join and offers a wide range of services - from free access to books, computers, the internet and information to the hire of music, audio books and films.
Child and Adult Book Swap & Shop Stalls
There will be two Book Swap stalls of pre-loved books – one for children and one for adults. We encourage you to bring a book from home to trade in for something different to read. Alternatively, you can make a small donation to buy a pre-loved book. With a range of genres, there will be something for everyone!
Arts & Crafts
Our staff will be leading a variety of fun arts and craft activities, from pebble painting to headdress making - all inspired by the adventure theme! Most activities will be free to take part in, but some will require a small cost.
Face Painting
Do you want to be a superhero, a mermaid or a pirate for the day? Visit our face painting stall to be transformed into an adventure-themed book character of your choice!
Cost: £3
Coconut Shy

Three tries for £1 to knock down - and take home - a coconut! With a child-friendly alternative, there's a chance for everyone to be a winner!
OPAL Play Den Building
Using our OPAL Play resources, an exciting den building area will be set up for the children to explore. Chat with our OPAL Play team to find out about the adventures your children are having at playtimes!
Live Music
Our school bands, led by the amazing Mrs Rawlings, will be taking to the stage in time slots across the afternoon. Check out the programme on the day to see when they will be taking to the stage, and take a seat in the sun to have a sing-along!
Reading Festival FAQs
What do I need to bring?
- Books! You are encouraged to bring a few books – whether this is a pre-loved book to swap at the Book Swap stalls (children and adults) or a selection of your family favourites to read together in a sunny spot.
- A blanket
- Loose change / credit/debit card (see below)
Is the Reading Festival free?
Lots of activities at the fair will be free as part of our Reading Trail, plus it is free to enter. Some activities are also available at a small cost, and there will be refreshments available to buy.
Whilst we are not charging for entry to the festival, our buckets will be dotted around for any voluntary donations.
All money raised will go towards enriching our reading curriculum!
How do I pay?
External book shops, face painting, some craft stalls and our refreshment stands will have credit/debit card facilities. We will hold a small cash float for the other stalls, so we suggest bringing some loose change.
Will there be refreshments available?
Whilst you are welcome to bring your own snacks, we will have a range of hot and cold refreshments available to buy.
What if my child is in After School Club?
Children in After School Club will be brought up to the festival in small groups by a staff member to take part in some of the activities.
What if my child is attending an Extended Learning Club on Thursday?
For any Extended Learning Clubs running on a Thursday (Recorder, Rounders and Football), these will end on Thursday 20th June. All other clubs will end on Friday 28th June.
What are the entry arrangements after school?
At the end of the school day, we will ask you to collect your child in the usual way. Some of you may be going home and returning, and others may want to start queueing ready for the beginning of the Festival. We will confirm the entry points nearer the time. Please can we ask that you do not head straight up onto the field, but instead wait for the festival to be officially opened.
There will be no parking available on the school site for the festival, with the exception of Blue Badge holders. However, please be aware that cars will still be moving around on the school site accessing swimming and After School Club.