Wrap Around Care
Our popular Oyster Bay After School Club operates until 6pm. The children are able to relax after the busy School day with indoor and outdoor activities provided.
All sessions will need to be pre-booked and pre-paid at least three days in advance for this to work effectively and to ensure that we have the correct ratio of staff to children each day. You can book your child in for single sessions or long-term blocks.
Children attending After School Club enjoy a varied timetable of activities – ranging from the more energetic sports and games to time on the Wii. Children have the opportunity to play traditional board games, complete homework or just relax with a book or watch a film.
Children are provided with a snack e.g. a piece of fruit, a biscuit and a drink and benefit from spending time with other children within the school.
Please read our Extended Services Policy for more information.
Click here to view Breakfast & After-School Club Menu's.
Breakfast Club
Drop off between 7:30am & 8:00am - £6.50p
Drop off between 8:00am & 8:40am - £5.50p
After School Club
Collection between 3:30pm & 4:30pm - £6.50p
Collection between 3:30pm & 5:30pm - £9.50p
Collection between 3:30pm & 6:00pm - £12.50p
Parents and Carers are asked to pay for all sessions in advance via Arbor.
Information on how to book your child in for this club can be found on our Arbor page.
A charge of £5.50p per five minute period will be incurred for late pick up from the After School Club after 6pm. Until the late fee is paid, your child’s place at the Club will be withdrawn.
Failure to pay on time will result in the withdrawal of a place at the Club.
These fees are subject to change, with prior notice to be given of any changes.
For more information, please contact the school office where our staff will be happy to help you.
Email: enquiries@joylane.kent.sch.uk
Phone Main Office: 01227 261430